Who we are:
FAST is a social-service Freshmen Leadership Organization at Texas A&M. Our motto is ‘FAST is FAM’ and we pride ourselves in the fact that this organization will give you friends that will last a lifetime. We participate in a variety of events that are geared toward building friendships, enhancing leadership, serving our community and upholding tradition. There is no doubt in our minds that you will come out of FAST with some clout.
FAST has weekly meetings on Mondays at 8:30pm in Rudder Tower. These are interactive and fun meetings that keep the freshmen updated on current FAST and Texas A&M activities. Meetings can include some solid holiday parties, insightful speakers, leadership advice and bonding with your best friends.
FAST holds multiple retreats throughout the year that are extravagantly fun and rewarding. These are some of the best opportunities to make friends that you will hold close for years to come. Many members say the foundation of relationships made in FAST were due to these events. Retreats range from one night to a full weekend and you will have the time of your life.
Throughout the year FAST participates in events hosted by our own organization, as well as other organizations across campus. FAST events include, FAST-Track to Aggieland, the Rock The Ring scholarship, Big Give, service projects, and a kickball tournament.
FAST-Track is a weekend event where FAST hosts a high school leadership conference. High schoolers come to A&M and stay with FAST members while learning what Texas A&M is all about.
The Rock The Ring scholarship is funded by FAST by selling cookies and T-shirts around campus. This scholarship is awarded to deserving Aggies to help fund their Aggie Rings with both partial and full scholarships.
Big Give is a weekend service project in Lockhart, Texas where we serve the community of Lockhart doing various projects. This weekend is an incredible time to bond and create lasting memories while doing something great.
Service projects include serving at Kingdom Ranch, cleaning up after Hurricane Harvey, participating in the Big Event, cleaning up Reed Arena, and participating in Build.
The kickball tournament is held as a multi FLO event where we donate the money raised to a cause chosen by the freshmen that year. This event is a super fun day, where FAST bonds with other FLO’s as well as knowing that their time is going to a good cause.
FAST also participates in events from other organizations such as Shack-a-thon, FLO-bowl, BRO-bowl, the Big Event, Caroling for Cans, Final FLO, Mr. FLO and intramurals.